Getting Tested for Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Getting Tested for Sexually Transmitted Diseases

When it comes to your health, it is important that every precaution is taken to keep diseases away. This also includes having sex. Being abstinent really is the only real way to keep from getting a sexually transmitted disease, but some people refuse to practice this method. Condoms and other forms can work to a point but sometimes even they are not as effective. What if you happen to get a box of defective condoms…

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Two types of components are usually used in breast implants that are used during a breast augmentation intervention: ultra-silicone gel and saline solution. Below we will explain what the particularities of each type of breast implant are and what are its advantages and disadvantages. Types of breast implants: saline This type of breast implant became very fashionable because in case of breakage, its content can be reabsorbed by the body and does not cause any complication or adverse effect. However, this type…

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